The school day is 8.40am (morning registration time) to 3.10pm (official end of the compulsory school day).
Morning Arrangements
- All children to enter school through the Carpark and West Gate between 8.30am and 8.40am
- Pupils arriving earlier than 8.30am should be booked into the breakfast club (Y5-6 pupils who walk to school should be reminded not to arrive before 8.30am)
- Children to enter the school building from 8:30am to settle quickly to their early morning work.
- Reception and Year 2 to go into school through The Annexe gate
- Years 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to go into school through the hall main door
- Registers will be taken at 8.40am
- Pupils arriving after 8.40am should report to the school office for registration and explanation
- 9.00am registers close and late marks issued to any new arrivals
Gate Times
- Gates will be open at 8.30am and will close and lock at 8.40am
- Access between these times will be by buzzer entry and exit, all visitors should report to the main reception on arrival.
Morning break
- 10.00 - 10.15am (Years 1-3); 10.15 - 10.30am (Years 4-6)
- During this time, children may eat a healthy snack from home, or purchase school tuck
Lunch break
- 12.00 - 12.45
- We have two sittings in the hall 12.00 - 12.25 (Reception, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5) and 12.25 - 12.45 (Year 2, Year 4 and Year 6)
School day finishes 3.10pm
We have a variety of after school clubs run by staff and outside coaches which take place at different times during the school year.
Seashells Early Years Centre offers after-school care off-site.
- Monday 9.55 - 10.15am – Whole School Worship (Led by the Headteacher)
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10.00 - 10.15am – Y4-6 Teacher Led (Classroom based); 10.15 - 10.30am – Y1-3 Teacher Led (Classroom based)
- Friday 9.50 - 10.15am – Celebration Worship (Praise Postcards, Birthday Pencils, Fantastic Mr Fox Awards and Good News from the week)